The Health Benefits of Moringa Tea
Now this is not going to be everyone’s cup of tea (pun intended), but this powerful plant is a great addition to any healthy breakfast. So, make it count when it comes to making your breakfast cup of tea by having some Moringa Tea in place of your regular choice of tea. We hope to sway your decision towards giving Moringa Tea a try so here are the health benefits of Moringa Tea.

Brief History on Moringa
Moringa is a plant known as “never die”or the “drumstick tree” in certain parts of the world. It’s scientific name is Moringa Oleifera and is common to tropical, as well as, subtropical areas in South Asia. However, it can be found in various tropical regions in Africa.
Benefits of Using Moringa
There are a myriad of benefits to using Moringa that make it worth adding to your daily diet. Moringa is a tree that is rich in nutrients that are vital to the body and its day to day function. Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, and Zinc are just a few minerals that give Moringa its high nutritional value.
- Calcium is great for building healthy, strong bones
- Phosphorus is a multifunctional mineral that is needed for building up teeth, bones, and cells of the body. It plays a vital role in growth and repairing tissues and cells as well as, in providing the building blocks for genetic codings such as DNA and RNA which make each person who they are an individual.
- Iron is a mineral needed for making the protein hemoglobin (which is found in red blood cells) that carries oxygen from the lungs to all parts of the body. Moringa contains more iron than spinach.
- Zinc is vital for reproductive health, especially so for men. It is also needed in the building of DNA and RNA. Moringa contains the recommended daily amount of Zinc needed for the body.
This tea is highly beneficial to the immune system, giving it a huge boost, thereby, helping ward off issues that may in time become illnesses. In other words, Moringa helps to cleanse and heal the body of various conditions and diseases. It leaves you feeling energetic and your skin can also benefit from including this plant in your diet, as it does improve the vibrancy of your skin.
Moringa has also been said to prevent and kill certain cancers due to its extremely potent antioxidants, as well as, its anti-inflammatory properties.
Caution Needed if on Medications
Moringa can interfere with medications relating to high blood pressure, diabetes, and thyroid, so consult with your physician before using or embarking on a regime that includes the use of Moringa.
How to Use Moringa
Various parts of the Moringa Tree are use extremely useful in treating and prevent a variety of healthy conditions, so not only are the leaves very useful, but the seeds and roots are also extremely useful.
Overall, this plant is highly valuable to your health and is worth adding to one’s regular line up of teas. It has an earthy, peanut like taste that is moderately palatable. If not for the taste, do give Moringa Tea a try just for the health benefits.
So, give this recipe a try.
1 – 2 cups filtered water
1 1/2 tsp Moringa powder (1/2 cup fresh Moringa Leaves) or 1 Tbsp of Moringa Seeds
3 Tbsps Honey
1 tsp lemon balm tea leaves (dried)
A small handful of peppermint leaves (about 8 to 10 leaves)
- Bring water to a boil.
- Add peppermint leaves and lemon balm tea leaves and let steep on low heat for the for 5 minutes.
- Turn OFF heat source and add Moringa Powder or seeds. Note: If using fresh Moringa leaves, wash and boil with the peppermint and lemon balm leaves and let all steep together for 10 to 15 minutes.
- Let Moringa powder steep with the other herbs for 10 minutes.
- Strain out the tea leaves using a fine cloth or fine mesh strainer. You can also transfer this tea to a coffee french press and strain out the leaves and settled Moringa powder. We find that the cheesecloth method works very well, but for simplicity sake and for the sake of saving time, using a french press may be the best way to go, but you should expect some silt like residue from the Moringa powder, but nothing too overbearing.
- Once cooled to desired drinking temperature, add in up to 3 Tbsp honey (adjust sweetness to your liking).
- Enjoy warm with your favorite breakfast or meal.
If you enjoy this recipe and any of our other recipes, then please take the time to share with your family and friends, as well as, on social media sites.
Let us know what you think about this recipe and if you have tried Moringa powder and or currently use this incredible plant as a part of your meal prep the n let us know, we would like to hear from you.
If you are into healthy drinks, be sure to check out this site’s recipe for a great fruit based drink that will help you fend off colds and the flu.